Sunday, December 19, 2010

Its time for some updating!

So school is done for now and I am in California! Its pretty cool over here but I miss Kansas City which is somewhat weird to me. My first semester at KCAI rocked, mainly because of the awesome people I met! Anyway I drew this today because I really want to have a robot dance party. So yea thats about it. -Mitch

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Life update

Hey everybody, so semester is almost over and I am doing great. Kansas City is a rad place full of rad people. I am currently in a show called the Air Show and my project Zoo in the Sky is being showed. Here is the website for my project. Also a project by my sculpture class is being displayed and its super awesome.

Other then that I am currently working on a new project called Covey, which is going be awesome!.

Yea so sorry for not updating in a long time, I have been super busy for the last few months but I shall update this more. Thats a promise!. Later all-Mitch

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Update oh yeah

Hey everybody! So yeah my new school KCAI is pretty awesome. The people here are rad and its just a really enjoyable environment to work in. Anyway yea I am super busy and I am post to be writing a paper. I also need to study for a test. Anyway I am going upload some drawings I have been doing. I also will start to upload some of my school work but that will come later. Yea so I am going go back to doing homework. Have a great day!- Mitch

This is graffiti llama, this is my first drawings only using photoshop( I mainly use Illustrator). I am pretty proud of myself.

My first time using both programs. I really just like drawing owls.

This is just a wonder bread ad I made for fun. I love wonder bread!

Saturday, August 21, 2010


So I finally made it after taking two airplanes to get here. Here is a picture of the second one, which was way better than the first. Anyway I got my apartment almost completed just waiting for a few things to get here and then I am done. My school KCAI is amazing, I can not wait for school to start monday. I already met a bunch of people who are all cool. It's really hard to remember everyones names but I am getting a lot better at it. I already visited Arthur Bryant's BQQ and it was amazing( here is picture of my plate after the meal, sorry anyone vegetarian or vegan reading this.)

Best BBQ I ever tasted!!! I also just got like a slurpee from a place called Qt, its basically 7-11 out here but 7-11 slurpees are way better.

Anyway other then that I been in my first thunder storm ever and it was amazing. Here is a crappy video I took of it.

well I am going go get a adapter for my computer and stuff so I shall blog in a few days after my first classes here.-Mitch

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Almost Gone

So I haven't slept today and I have 2 bbq's to go too. I finally got to packing my clothes and other stuff. The realization that I am leaving really kind of hit me the other day and I felt for the first time sad, but then I just tell myself that I am taking another a big step in my life that will be one heck of an adventure. I also got a haircut today and the lady totally knew what I wanted( one of the best ways to start your day hands down). Anyway I did a title art for this blog and I am happy with it for now. Well I am going go finish my clothes and get ready for my second to last day before I leave California. -Mitch

Its a crab music fight kind of day.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Super lazy!

Hey everyone, so I have been really really really really really lazy lately but thats all going change because in a week its a change of surroundings for me. Its MISSOURI TIME! OH yeah time to kick it up a notch and kick some tail!!!!!!!!! WOooooooOOOooo. ANyway yeah its scary yet exciting. I am really going miss California but when I come back I will be 20002320320 times the Mitch Plus 10.
Yea So I haven' done much art lately so no new pictures but I will leave you with a amazing comic I found on Tumblr. -Mitch

P.s Oh and I am going start a web comic as soon as I get access to my schools computer labs, animation to come after that.

Monday, July 12, 2010


So sorry about not updating Im super lazy right now and I am spending my last summer before I leave Torrance in a very lethargic style. On the bright side I just started making some art after a week of playing Monster Hunter Tri( Its sooooo addicting!!!!!). Yea its my Adventure Time fan art and its of Finn hugging a octopus or squid whatever your prefer. SO yeah my b-day is pretty soon and so is comic con( Costume might happen this year hahaha). So yeah more art on the way I shall blog it up more during school for I shall make tons of rad stuff. Later all!!!!-Mitch

Friday, June 4, 2010


Hey Folks, hows it going? Well anyway its the last week of school and Im still deciding if I should take summer school(I know lame). Other then that I have been drawing some what and I really need to be more productive.Well here is a drawing I am doing for my 2-d class. Now im going go eat some bbq!

later all-Mitch

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Wooo update!

Hey everybody, so I haven't updated this thing in a long time because of my laziness mixed with some what of a busy schedule. Anyway a few weeks back I cut some of my finger tip off and my left hand was out of commission for awhile. Heres a picture!!!!

Other that just getting ready for future events which are coming closer(more info will some when I have more free time).
So here is a picture I drew a couple weeks ago but never got to put it on here until today. So Enjoy! I will try to update this blog weekly now but I make no promises,(also I don't think many people look at this thing).-Mitch

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


So been fighting a cold for a couple and days and its been a a hard fight. Well anyway I drew this today for fun and Iwanted to make math fun again because I used to love math! Anyway going have a busy day tomorrow and I got to clean my room. Later all!!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

First Blog ever!

So this is my first blog I ever created and I hope to get some pictures of ongoing projects on here soon( when I have time of course). So yeah I try to update this thing every once in a while.