Monday, November 21, 2011

Art Update

Hey everyone! It has been pretty crazy in my life lately. Anyway here is a quick update of my latest project.

My latest project I was experimenting with lights and sounds. I created a helmet out of quilting batting and projected some lights on it.Then I played some music when the person put the helmet on. Here are some photos of the outside and inside of the helmet! The end of semester show at KCAI is almost here, if your in Kansas City when its happening you should come by.I will give info about it on my next post.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

weekend update

So this weekend was pretty eventful. I was in an art show this weekend. Here is a picture of my piece 'No one likes me but you".

The show was really fun and I had a good time. I even sold my piece to some awesome people who I don't know if its ok if to say their names on my blog so I'm not going too.

I drew this just drawing for you guys! Thank you again! You guys make it worth it to be an artist! Other then that I have a critique tomorrow and I don't know how I feel about my piece. It is way different then all my other projects. So wish me luck and I will update this blog at the end of the week. Hope everyone is having a good Sunday!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

2nd Project

So for my second project I did a wall mural. I really liked this project and will do some more pieces like it. Anyway I am just starting some new projects and will upload photos as soon as I can.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Mid-term update

Hey folks, so I just had my mid terms and they went pretty well. Here is the trashman movie/photos I created for my first project. My second project photos will be up shortly, I just need to get some photos of it. Well I hope you guys enjoy the movie. -Mitch

Here is the link to the video:

Monday, September 12, 2011

Senior Year

Yo Dudes and Dudettes I am back at school and kicking butt. My first project is going be a film about a recycled trash monster/man. Here is a picture of the recycled monster/man.

I also just drew this pretty picture about a cloud shark and fishing. I hope you guys like it!. Anyway I will update this blog pretty soon for I am filming my project later this week. Later all!-Mitch

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Hey everyone, how are you all doing? I am pretty good right now! I haven't drawn that much in the past week so I sat myself down until drew something. This drawing is called obsolete. I think robots are my favorite thing to draw. Anyway I am going go relax right now and read some comics. Have a great day!-Mitch Tavera

Thursday, May 26, 2011

New title art

So I finished the new title art for this blog. I am a big fan of whales as you can see. Hope everyone is doing alright.-Mitch

Huge update!

It's time for a huge update so here it is.

This was my first project of the spring semester called Post-Questions. It's a tape cast of my body that I covered in post-it notes. Each note has a question on it. Some questions are serious like if God really exists to more comical questions like why did they cancel Fire Fly?

For my second project I created this costume of a steam-punk police officer that was from a city I created in my utopia class called Arkham ( I know Arkham is from Batman, I'll probably change it later) This project I got to create a ray gun, power pack, and goggles. I also got to wear my jump suit (yea it has two Aquabat A iron on patches on it, REPRESENT!) and my favorite hat. I really liked this project I got to learn how to lathe. I also visited a local junk yard to get some supplies. Junkyards are so cool!

My third project is called The Vhs 650 Tank, a tank made out of all vhs tapes with a wooden frame. This baby was for my float project where we had to make a float and then float on it at a local lake. Everyone said my tank wasn't going to float and it did! It floated until I went inside then it fell over. It was a really fun thing to do but I wish I could of kept it, but now it is in the garbage. Here is a link to the Kansas City Stars webpage where they filmed me falling over in the tank.( They just couldn't show it floating.)

My next project was my favorite for sure. I made a puppet and his name is Steve. He came out really well which I learned how to make professional grade puppets from a good friend at school.)

My last project was called Consumption. I tape casted my body and covered in red vines wrappings. I really liked this project and thought it turned out well.

I have some ceramic work I did but need to get those photos from a friend. Other then that I am drawing some new title art for this blog right now. I had an amazing year at kcai. I will blog more often for I have some time now and keep you guys updated on my life.-Mitch

Oh also to all my friends in tornado country try to not get hurt!